Grants available for Construction Education Academy students

The United States needs over 2 million construction workers to fill positions for the next three years, according to a CBS News report. Electricians, carpenters, plumbers, and HVAC mechanics are in high demand and offer high paying career options. ABC Construction Education Academy offers a nine-month training program for those in demand construction careers. Central Scholarship has partnered with ABC Construction Education Academy to help Maryland students complete the CEA program with little to no educational debt. Central Scholarship is providing grants to eligible students to cover the training costs.
Construction industry training provides living-wage career opportunities to students who may not want to attend college, who prefer hands-on jobs, and/or career changers. Central Scholarship and ABC Construction Education Academy are partnering to support high school graduates and GED earners to launch careers in the skilled trades listed below.
ABC Construction Education Academy Program Overview
Career Tracks:
- Electrician
- Plumber
- Carpenter
- HVACR Mechanic
According to, hourly wages for entry-level skilled workers in Maryland start at:
- Carpenter – $24.75/hour
- Electrician – $26.75/hour
- HVACR Mechanic – $30.08/hour
- Plumber – $29.38/hour
The 2022/2023 ABC Construction Education Academy School Year Schedule:
- 250-hour program
- July 2022 through March 2023
- Part 1 – July through August (daytime classes)
- Part 2 – September through March (evening apprenticeship classes)
What students can expect:
- Training and hands-on experience
- Industry-accredited, skilled-trades training and certification
- Guaranteed job interviews with companies after graduation
- Pathway to registered apprenticeship recognized by the Maryland Department of Labor
To be eligible for the Central Scholarship/ABC Construction Education Academy grant, applicants must complete and submit the following no later than June 20, 2022:
- Attend Online Orientation (last session June 16, 2022)
- Construction Education Academy Trade School Application
- Central Scholarship’s ABC Construction Education Academy Grant Application
- Career Fit Test (Central Scholarship will provide instructions to grant applicants)
When does the program start?
July 11, 2022
When is the Central Scholarship Construction Education Academy grant application deadline?
June 20, 2022
What do students need to participate in the program?
Individuals are required to provide a doctor’s certificate to work in the trade, proof of age, copy of high school diploma or GED, and proof of work experience.
What happens during Part 2 – Apprenticeship classes?
Students will start out as Apprenticeship Helpers or more commonly called Laborers. The length of time it takes to move up the chain is up to the contractor and how fast the student grasps the information from classroom to work and work to classroom.
How much do Laborers make per hour?
The average compensation for a Laborer without any experience averages from $13.00 – $15.00 an hour. Once the students become registered, they can possibly double their income over four years.
What companies have hired program graduates?
Students who have completed the program have been employed by DEL Electric, TEI, Spartan Electric, Hirsch, Benfield, Hayes, Leonard Kraus, and Calvert Mechanical.
How soon or what is the latest that students can register for the classes that will be starting in July?
Prospective students must first attend an Online Orientation session before being able to move to the application process. Online Orientation session registration details can be found at ABC’s last Online Orientation session is scheduled for June 16th. Seats are available until they are filled so the earlier students register for an Online Orientation session, the better chance they have of getting a seat.
What happens if I can’t attend any of the Online Orientation sessions?
ABC requires prospective students to attend an Online Orientation session. Contact ABC’s office at 410-821-0351 to discuss any possible alternatives.
Is the program open to individuals with prior convictions or who have completed rehabilitation/reentry programs after being incarcerated or in drug treatment facilities?
ABC does not conduct a background check, however, hiring contractors will require the individual to go through a background check. ABC does not have any say over the contractors’ hiring process.
Are individuals with DACA status/Dreamers eligible to participate in the program?
Individuals would be required to provide I-9 information when applying for jobs with contractors.
Will students receive college credit when they complete the program?
ABC Greater Baltimore has a partnership with the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC). Once a student has been accepted into the ABC program, they will complete a registration application with CCBC. Students receive 4 credit hours for each year that they successfully complete through ABC Greater Baltimore. These credits could possibly be used towards the CCBC Associate degree or Certificate in Construction Management or Construction Craft Professional.
Will I have to repay the grant if I don’t successfully complete/pass the course?
Yes, students who receive Construction Education Academy grants from Central Scholarship to cover program costs and do not successfully complete the course will be required to repay the cost of the program.
Do I have to take the Career Fit Test?
Yes, Central Scholarship requires all prospective grant recipients to take the Career Fit Test. Central Scholarship will provide test taking instructions to grant applicants.
What if I have more questions?
For Construction Education Academy questions, contact ABC at 410-821-0351. For Central Scholarship Construction Education Academy grant questions, email